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Male Cats Breeding Behavior

Male Cats Breeding Behavior
1. Puberty
√ By 3 months of age, the male kitten has sufficient testosterone to initiate the growth of penile spines, which reach full size between 6 and 7 months of age.
√ Growth or recession of the spines has been positively correlated with androgen-dependent mating activity.
√ By 5 months the kitten’s testes are mature enough for early spermatogenesis, but usually another 1 or 2 months must pass before spermatozoa can be found in the seminal tubules.
2. Behavioral sexual maturity:
√ Complete copulation occurs generally between 9 and 12 months.
√ In the wild, however, cats may not reach this degree of maturity until 18 months of age.
√ Certain patterns associated with sexual behavior appear before true sexual maturity and are often associated with play.
√ Although young kittens do not commonly mount or perform the neck grip in social play, some males begin mounting, pelvic thrusts, and neck biting as early as 4 months of age.
√ Owners are often aware of increased roaming, inter male aggression, and scent marking with urine, all of which accompany the increase in testosterone at puberty.
3. Reproductive Cycle
√ Male cats are polygamous, fertile, and sexually active throughout the year
√ (Toms) males do have subtle cyclic patterns which reaches a peak in the spring and a low point during the late fall in the northern hemisphere, when the female is also naturally non receptive.
4. Longevity
√ Mature male cats show sexual interests beyond their mating capabilities
√ They maintain this desire even though reproductive functions may decrease with age.
√ Male behavior will usually be evident throughout the animal’s adult life and has been observed in cats 27 years old.
5. Territorial Effect
√ Territory is very important in male sexual behavior.
√ Upon arriving at a breeding area, the tomcat spends a variable amount of time investigating it, and most will not breed in a strange place.
√ Occasionally the tomcat may require more than a month to become familiar with his new surroundings, but the insecurity generally lasts only a few days.
√ For the best results, the female should be brought to the area with which the male is familiar.
√ If the territory is too small or the tomcat is confined to a small cage, reproductive capacity may be decreased.
“Courtesy ”
Dr.Sujan Kumar Sarkar
B.Sc.Vet.Sci.& A.H.(SAU,Dhaka)
PGD(EnvA, France)
Registered Veterinary Practitioner
BVC Reg.No: 5375
Consulting Vet
“Vet & Pet Care”
68/10, Europa International School Lane, Zigatola Post Office Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209
Visiting Hour: 1.30 pm -6.00 pm
Cell: +8801777516183

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