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Breeding and Reproduction of Cats

Breeding and Reproduction of Cats
√ Cats also have an estrous, or heat, cycle.
√ Female cats (queens) are induced ovulators means that they do not ovulate (pass an egg) unless they are bred.
√ The queen can enter her first heat at 4 months of age.
√ A queen has 2 or 3 heat cycles during the breeding season (typically February to October in the northern hemisphere).
√ During heat, the queen is receptive to males .
√ Mating behavior including rolling, rubbing against objects, kneading her back feet, and yowl repeatedly and loudly.
√ This behavior can last 3 to 20 days and can repeat in 10 to 40 days if the queen is not bred.
√ If the queen is bred, the cycle ends as her body prepares for pregnancy.
√ Gestation, or pregnancy, lasts about 2 months (60 to 63 days).
√ Average litter size of about 4 kittens.
√ Queens can be bred by more than one male during a heat period, resulting in kittens from the same litter with different sires.
√ Signs of pregnancy include a large abdomen, increased appetite, and swollen mammary glands that may release milk when squeezed.
√ During the later stages of pregnancy, the queen seeks a nesting area and places bedding in a quiet, secluded spot.
√ Cats that are not pregnant sometimes show these signs of pregnancy during a pseudopregnancy or false pregnancy. This usually begins at the end of estrus and can last for several months. Your veterinarian can tell you if the pregnancy is real or false.
“Courtesy ”
Dr.Sujan Kumar Sarkar
Pet Animal Practitioner

Consulting Vet
“Vet & Pet Care”
68/10, Europa International School Lane, Zigatola Post Office road, Dhanmondi.
Visiting Hour:1.30 pm- 6.00 pm

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