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অন্ত্রনালী (Intestine)দেখে রোগ নির্ণয়

 অন্ত্রনালী (Intestine)দেখে রোগ নির্ণয়



অন্ত্রনালী দেখে প্রায় ২০টি রোগের অবস্থা বুঝা যায়ঃ

রানিক্ষেত,সাডেন শেথ,মেরেক্স,লিউকোসিস,সাল্মোনেলা,ইক্লাই,আমাশয়,নেক্রোটিক এন্টারাইটিস,কলেরা,কলিগ্রানোলোমা,কৃমি,নন স্পেসেফিক এন্টারিটিস,

1.Raised,hemorrhagic ulcers along with length of small intestine:

ND or sudden death

2.pinpoint hemorrhagic spots or greyish,pinpoint spots,better visible without cutting intestine open:

Intestinal Coccidiosis, সাথে (2-3 wks,anemia,emaciation) হবে।

3.Mucosa of duodenum & adjoining parts of small intestine( negative for coccidia) looking velvety,red & puslike or bloodtinged contents

#.Bacterial enteritis( E coli,salmonella,pseudomonas,campylobactor,chlamydia)
any age of bird but more in grower,pericarditis indicate E coli or salmonella

4.Necrotic mucosa of small intestine with cracked surface:

Necrotic Enteritis( liver small)

5.Raised,granuloma,visible from serous surface as raised grain of millet in bunches:
# Coligranuloma ( e coli)

# Tapeworm

7. Round worm in small intestine:
Ascaridia galli

8.Congested intestine with greenish contents or bloodtinged contents:
#.Acute diffuse coccidiosis.

9.Tumer ( cauliflower like growth in intestinal wall):
# Avian Leucosis
# Mareks

10.Pasty vent: Reovirus enteritis.over calcium,salmonella

11. Yolksac inflammed : Omphalitis

12.Hemorrhagic cecca
:caecal Coccudiosis

white core/bloody content age before 6days and  more mortality

13.prolapse of rectum or swelling or eversion of cloca:

Fusariotoxicosis,cystic oviduct, enlarged bursa.

cloaca filled with white uric acid with mortality indicate IBD or ND

14.large Hemorrhagic spot

Non specific enteritis,Extra medullary haemopoietic

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